Posts tagged with Docker

Featured image for "Building microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM"

Building microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM

In this tutorial, I'll build a microservice from scratch with Micronaut.

Featured image for "Running your Spring boot application on Kubernetes"

Running your Spring boot application on Kubernetes

Kubernetes has been the way to go to orchestrate containerized applications. In this tutorial, we'll see how we can use Kubernetes with Spring boot.

Featured image for "Setting up Minikube and Istio on macOS"

Setting up Minikube and Istio on macOS

When developing cloud-native applications, using tools like Kubernetes and Istio are a must. In this tutorial we'll use Minikube to install these locally.

Featured image for "Monitoring nginx with Prometheus and Grafana"

Monitoring nginx with Prometheus and Grafana

In this tutorial, you'll find out how we can use the Prometheus exporter for nginx, to start monitoring, and to create NASA-level dashboards with Grafana.

Featured image for "Containerizing your static web project"

Containerizing your static web project

WIth Docker and nginx, we can easily containerize our static web project. In this tutorial, you'll find out how you can do that.

Featured image for "Monitoring with Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana"

Monitoring with Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana

With Spring boot 2.0, the support for Micrometer made monitoring a lot easier. In this tutorial we'll see how we can use it with Grafana and Prometheus.

Featured image for "Containerizing your Spring boot application with Docker"

Containerizing your Spring boot application with Docker

The world of DevOps is here. In this tutorial I'll be writing a Spring application and wrap it inside Docker containers.

Featured image for "Setting up Apache Solr with Tika using Docker"

Setting up Apache Solr with Tika using Docker

Indexing documents is quite easy with Apache Solr and Tika. In this tutorial, I'll demonstrate how to configure both and to run them within a Docker container.

Featured image for "Take your Spring apps to the cloud with Bluemix and Docker"

Take your Spring apps to the cloud with Bluemix and Docker

The Bluemix PaaS allows you to take your own Docker containers to the cloud. In this example I will be deploying some containers to Bluemix.